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Nursery Admissions

Admissions are now OPEN

Please contact the school office on 0151 652 5777 make an appointment to come and have a look around. Our door is always open and we are looking forward to meeting you and your family.

Please read the information below before clicking this link to apply - Nursery admissions


Arrangements for admission to the Nursery Process of application 

Applications for Nursery places at Birkenhead High School Academy are not part of the Wirral Children’s Services co-ordinated admissions arrangements and should be made direct to the Academy on the Academy’s nursery application form. Applicants should reach the age of 3 during the year 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025.

The application form should be completed and returned to the Academy by 31st December 2024. 

 The number of places available for admission to our Nursery is based upon the ratios required for the supervision of 3 to 4 year olds. The agreed admissions number is 26 full-time equivalent (FTE) places. 

 Over subscription procedure 

Where Birkenhead High School Academy is oversubscribed in Nursery the Academy will allocate places using the following criteria which are listed in priority order:

 a) Girls who are in public care (Looked After Children) or were previously in public care, as defined in the School Admissions Code 2014 on the date at which the relevant applications for admission are made, and who a local authority has confirmed will continue to be looked after by it (in accordance with section 22 of the Children Act 1989) at the time they are admitted to the Academy. 

b) Girls who will have a sister, including step, half, adopted or fostered living permanently at the same address, who will continue to be enrolled at Birkenhead High School Academy at the time of the admission. 

c) Girls whose parent/s are currently Teaching, Administrative, Support Staff at Birkenhead High School Academy and have been employed for over two years. 3.5 Where in category b) there are more applicants than there are places available, places will be allocated on a random basis. Any remaining places will be allocated on a random basis to girls applying from across the Wirral and beyond.

Please see our Admissions Policy for further details:

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Admissions to Reception at BHSA 

Please note that a place in our Nursery does not guarantee a place in our Reception Classes.  You must apply for a Reception place via the Local Authority who manage admissions. 

If you need any clarification or support, please do not hesitate to contact our Junior School Office. 

Click here to apply - Nursery admissions